Thomas Step

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I recently launched a Slack app! Install it here. I have extended the free trial to 6 months for a limited time. Feedback is welcome.

Working With Next.js Router's Query

Just about every time that I create a Next.js page using Dynamic Routes, I come across this issue. Next.js has a nice feature that will catch a wildcard in the path if a jsx file follows a specific naming format like [id].jsx. The way we can access the wildcard value is through a hook called useRouter which outputs a router object containing relevant information. Under router.query we can find the wildcard’s value with a key named the same as the file’s bracketed text, so [id].jsx would correspond to

However, the way that Next.js works with server-side rendering, the router.query object will be undefined until the page is hydrated. If the values in router.query are required for a page to operate correctly, this could break functionality or result in hacky workarounds. Luckily there was enough community discussion around this that Next.js merged a change in late 2020 to help facilitate knowing when router.query is ready to be used aptly called router.isReady. The current version (v12) has this change, but I believe it became available somewhere in v10.

In an effort to solidify my solution to working with the Next.js Router Query object and hopefully help someone else, I wanted to share some boilerplate code for using useRouter and router.isReady.

import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

function Example() {
  const router = useRouter();
  const {
    query: {
  } = router;

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!isReady) {
      console.log('Router not ready')

    console.log(`ID: ${id}`)
  }, [isReady]);

  return (
      {id || 'Loading'}

export default Example;

I prefer object destructuring, which is why I pull all of the values I want to work with from router first. The useEffect hook only fires whenever isReady updates. This means it will fire on the initial page load when router is not ready, then again after the page is hydrated so router.query has its values. Any logic relying on router.query values can be injected inside the if (!isReady) block. Whenever this page is loaded there is an initial flash of Loading before the wildcard id is shown which demonstrates a small example of needing to use a default value before router is ready.

Categories: dev | javascript | front end