I recently launched a Slack app to help with channel bloat! Simply installing it would help me out a bunch. I have 2/10 installations required to submit my app to the Slack Marketplace. Thanks for helping me reach that goal.
I had a need for an IAM User not too long ago and wanted to create a CloudFormation template instead of going through the console. I do not create IAM entities too often, so I figured that this would be a good time to cement my knowledge into a template. I wanted the user to have CLI access for some automation, which meant that I needed to also create an access key. While I was looking through the documentation for access keys I noticed an interesting field: Serial
is a field specific to CloudFormation that accepts an integer. If that integer is increased, the access key is rotated. This is a cool feature that I knew I wanted to test out.
After creating an IAM User, I wanted to create an access key for that user based on a Serial
, and after that access key was created, I wanted to store the credentials in a secret. Whenever the credentials needed to be rotated, it should be as simple as incrementing the Serial
and grabbing the new credentials from the secret. Here is what I came up with.
Type: Number
Description: Increment this to rotate credentials
Type: AWS::IAM::User
- arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess
Type: AWS::IAM::AccessKey
Serial: !Ref Serial
Status: Active
UserName: !Ref IamUser
Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret
Description: !Sub "These are the credentials for the IAM User ${IamUser}"
SecretString: !Join
- ""
- - '{"AccessKeyId":"'
- !Ref AccessKey
- '","SecretAccessKey":"'
- !GetAtt AccessKey.SecretAccessKey
- '"}'
This template is also available in my aws-cloudformation-reference
repository. I also made a video of me creating the template in case the process of building and deploying something like this from scratch is of interest.